If you think your job a tedious chore, it really becomes one. But if you imagine it as a good thing no matter how sucky it is, it can be good too.. I wanna think that and be REALLy convinced. Good psyche is necessity for me; like good vitamin for fortifying the will. =) So Im a world traveller! A world traveller spinning great traveller tales on colorful journeys. hey dont burst my bubble i wanna be deluded ;p For all you cuties dropping by at my site occasionally, have i been a good host blogger? Do i entertain you enough for u to come back for a seconds?
Thanks for puttin up with my rambling nonsense. i am such a whinner sometimes i know =) For all you 'listening ears' out there thanks for being my therapists for far. Its a little early in my journey to be saying the thank-you speech I know. But nevertheless we never know when its all gonna end. So at this point in time when im grateful, i must say it .
I know i promised some pics from moscow and Oman. So here they are. No long-winded granny stories just some pictures & narration for your imaginative mind to story-tell.

Camping in oman by the sea. We rented a four wheel drive drove to an empty deserted spot by the sea, made a campfire, set up a nice tent and camped our guts out.
This is us.

We visited the wadi after not showering for a day and soaked & relieved ourselves ( * pun intended) in the incredibly beautiful but algae-filled slippery waters of the rock pool ( wadi)

Here are some nice sights we saw on our trip. by the way 'arabian nights' seems like a really apt song to have blastin in your ears on certain occasions i realized. Occasions such as these.

Ceramic crafted pots at a souk is nizwa. (Traditional market). an arabian door with interesting rust and paint patterns.

picturesque sights like these makes a real holiday! arabian windows on a desert house. Boats parked by by the sea on sand banks.

The mascot of magic carpet ride greets you with salam alekom! Camel we saw in the desert along the way. We fondled, caressed and tickled the adorable animal. And we had lunch together. No we didnt feed it , are you crazy?! We ate our sandwiches he ate his desert grass.
By the way, the animal in the banner of magic carpet ride is him =) He says he loves all you magic carpet ride readers and he hopes you will come back to see him whenever you can! ; )