..When you only got 100 years to live Half time goes by Suddenly you’re wise Another blink of an eye 67 is gone The sun is getting high We're moving on... I'm 99 for a moment Dying for just another moment And I'm just dreaming Counting the ways to where you are..
ah.. life!when u think about it we really do only have a hundred years to live. Maximus maximum! =) check this song out mah fwens.
So. London , t'was
9th to 11th March. Where should i begin. It was a nice flight i had, both going to and coming back. Hotel was nice but it was too far from central london. Was cold & rainy in london, but as we left the hotel we took only a thin jacket ( which i will really regret terribly later ) Thankfully we borrowed an umbrella from the hotel concierge. We thought smugly that we will be able to get through the cold with just that. Hah pride.
Oh yea folks, i got a companion this time! She's Irene, a fellow singaporean friend from my training batch who happened to swapped to the same flight. We took a train from gatwick for abt 45 mins to central london then took the subway to my first stop-westminister.

Irene didnt feel well the moment we got off the train so she decided to go back to the hotel. She only got to take a couple of pictures with the london eye, the big ben & the westminister abbey and she had to go back. What a pity, she spent all the money on her train ticket! ( it was a signicant 14 pounds plus 10 pounds for the subway) Poor girl!
That was us on the train in the picture all excited to explore the city.
Looks like im fated to go walking solo again . hahhah fate. Couldn't complain, i got my lovely ipod companion so im all set!
London is a nice city with a good subway system, i've got a day ticket so i could go exploring the different stops. The only thing bothering me was the lack of time. As usual.=/ took some great pictures though and i really had a nice time walking.

In this picture u see the Big ben and a little of London eye (a mega ferris wheel) which prides itself as the tallest observational wheel in the world. The Big Ben is one of London's better known landmarks. It is the clock tower of the parliamentary house of london, there's even cells withthin the tower to imprison PMs who breached parliamentary priviledge!
Next in our interest, the westminister abbey.
Went to westminister abbey but to my dismay, the place was close, it was in westminister that the kings and queens were crowned. It has been the setting for every Coronation since 1066 and for numerous other royal occasions. It starting pouring from the grey london sky, wetting my camera and forcing us to seek refuge in a shelter. Shivering from the wind chill, the picture of the westminister abbey turned out blah. ack. I wont show it. Bother! London i'll be back.

We made our way to the station and i set off solo for the tower of london. Was examining the subway map and the confusing maze of platforms and tunnels.
this time it was a nice british man who approached me and ask if i needed help. He was making his way home from work. Pple are nice to me! He asked me if im from the far east. Never heard that expression before. Am i from the far east? how far in the east is singapore? Guess if u do look at the map it is rather far east to britain. So yes im a far-eastern girl. sounds exotic. kinda like it.
He led me through the amazing maze of the london subway to the platform i needed to go and he alighted some stops before. We had a nice chat on the train. It was really nice to meet warm helpful friendly pple when u're travelling, makes the journey so much better! Next stop tower of london & tower hill.

Tower Hill ( pic on the left) has been the seat of brit gov & living quarters of monarchs & site of reknown political intrigue. It has a gruelling history of housing and executing traitors , framed members of the court, lords, ministers and clergymen and knights. Again, to my dismay the place is close because i got there too late. Darn. Well might as well, it saved me my pounds.
London is a place we fly to pretty often so hopefully i will go back sometime.
Apparently, the tower of london is the richest historical site of london. Picture on the left, an executioner fashioned like how it really was in the past, bloody axe, hands and masked in morbid black. On the right, traitors gate which the traitors had to pass through to get into the castle.

Top left: My nice walk on the cobbled street with view of the tower bridge on my right
Top right: London's Tower Bridge
umph.* chokes* I shan't bore you further.=p More pictures less words from here.

Top left: View Tower bridge from the cobbled walkway
Top right: On the bridge

Top: Me with umbrella, black baby ( my ipod! what r u thinkin!?!) and map. * picture courtesy of stranger

Top left: an emblem on tower bridge
Top right: tree against the sky

Top left: Time which all the attractions are closed ( when i got there .hmpf )
Top right: Smoke and the setting sun in the distance
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