Junie's monologues of travel adventures & daily humdrums

Black Box and beyond

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Familiarity , routine & pattern can be liken to a black box. It is in this black box that you feel safe, that u feel covered. Imagine now that you are in this black box of routine and familiarity but u know from a little peep hole in the box that there's danger outside but there's more to it than the darkness you face everyday. Will you venture forth? It irks me to be caught in the darkness, it drains my life energy.I desire to light it. From ventures i gain knowledge and experience even if are risks. i wouldnt trade that up for anything. This venture, this search, this journey of knowledge. As i was looking out of the aircraft window from my jumpseat as we land in dubai tonight, i was just thinking about uncertainties and life. I get a little anxious before every flight, there's aways some probability that i will not make it to my next destination. And bad turbulences just reminds me of that everytime. But each time i touch down safely, i heave a sigh of relieve and thank the stars that im still alive and am happy just to be able to get back home to my bed and to my life. I grateful for the fact that im granted life to explore and learn. I want to shed light on my curiousities & sitting in the black box is just not enough for me. Even in the black box the risk of uncertainties will find u as well. so instead of letting it come to you, i'll rather get up and find it before it finds me. make sense? mmm, 4 am. lack sleep. just came back from london, will do my posts soon. tomorrow i will make a trip to oman. Folks, let some light into your darkness & to feel more alive! ( even if it means uncovering yourselves * wink * k-i-d-d-i-n-g aoight? )

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