Venice 1.9.2007

look to the skies ! we have landed in venice!
Venice IS the prettiest city on earth. it has won me over with its quintessential charm, with its warm and welcoming people, with everything that is venice.This amazing trip which i am fortunate enough to make certainly didnt dissapoint i can tell u that! All these pictures and images u see in magazines , tv programmes or cheesy venice-themed resturants comes alive before your very eyes here. The dreamworld merges with reality and every corner you turn is picture-perfect. Just imagine that! And people actually do live like this for centuries with pretty much the same way of life! Here, vibrant colors, amazing natural light, cool watery breezes, subtle evidences of everyday life in such a surreal place conspires to give the senses the best of an experience.
picturesque venice
A complex labyrinth of Waterways run all over the city and streets are interconnected with zillions of cute bridges, gondolas are parked everywhere and so are little boats which the locals use as their main mode of transportation. Here the motor car is completely absent! I love it love it LOVE IT.
me and the gondola boys
These gondola boys fetches tourists ard on tours on their grand gondolas for a grand fee. For 100 euros u get a tour on their gondolas for an hour. I didnt take the tour but these boys are warm enough to pose for a picture with me they invited me to sit with them for one.

the beauty that is venice
The S-shaped grand canal is the main waterway that runs through venice just look at how beautiful it is, This picture was taken on the ponte rialto bridge.
the famed gondolas
Gondolas are the pride of venetians, Each and every gondola are made like a work of art, each a unique masterpiece. It is designed specially for the gondolier to row the boat witha single oar and it will still go straight!
the quaint waterways
we walked and stopped to tank up at a pizzaria, i had a nice italian pizza , typically thin crusted but yummy yummy yummy =) my tummy is thanking me for it.

yummy street pizzas

he vibrant colors
gondola station
the famous ponte rialto bridge
me at ponte rialto
the bridge of sighs
The bridge of sighs got its name from the sighs of prisoners catching their last glimpse of freedom when they walk across the bridge.
pigeon feeding in san marco square
I had the most fun feeding these pigeons at san marco. The pigeons here are used to contact with humans and are not afraid to use human arms or heads as landing pads. i had my go at it , bought some corn from a nearby vendor and offered it to the pigeons.
pigeon attack!
I was pretty happy till one of them tried to get fresh with me. Well it overstepped its boundaries!
the pretty church in san marco sqaure
goodbye venice -the boat trip backAfter a full day we headed back before the sun sets, we were sad to leave the beauty behind but i made a secret pact with her that i will be back again.
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