Just came back from perth. The weather was lovely, nice sun and cool temperature so the pictures turn out really nicely. Went walking solo again. Im think i much prefer walking around myself sometimes when you are with someone you tend to concentrate more on the company than the place. Not that its bad but its just with the time that i have i'll rather invest it in the place than the company ( most of the company i meet on flights i dont keep in contact with after) The amount of time we have to know each other isnt enough to start any foundation for good friendships. I really do miss my good pals back home, Cheryl, Wengfai, Andrew, Charlotte. Mimmi in sweden and Alwine in netherlands. Dont have too many good friends i can talk with on those levels. They knew me in some ways much better than i know myself. I was just speaking with Alwine, and i told her that sometimes you just need someone to mirror your soul. You know what your heart is thinking and all but its kept inside, soulmates help get it out. Sometimes u really need to spell it out verbally or in words on email on sms on msn. Converstions will not go on deeper if one party doesnt build on the topic, when he/she goes on rattling about one other topic, then there u lost it altogether. My heart is filled up to the brime with unsaid words and unmanifested feelings. I need some good hugs from some good friends.
( im going back to singapore on may 13th) * hint hint*
Here are some pictures from perth.

It was about 11 am in perth when i was walking

around in perth central city. Before this i went
walking about to the harbour, hotel was pretty near
the city, too damn tired from the long flight so i only managed to walk ard the city a bit do some shopping (bought some souveniers.)My next trip to perth i will check fremantle out (locals consider
it somewhat suburban perth).
* Made a mental note to visit it the next time.
Took a picture of my reflection in the glass, is that girl me?
messed up hair, sullen skin..
eeew i have heard flying add years to the body..
is that..?! no way!..sighh i do
look more worn out on my off days..
Oh did i mention im losing so much hair?
My room is full of it, im like a shaggy dog, shedding my brown tresses all over the floor. I have to sweep the floor all the time. chunks and chunks of hair webs =~( * self-sayang*
anyway i digress again.
So i walked around the harbour, love the bell tower. Interesting architecural form.

This is the swan bell tower.
Cost some money to go in there and i decided it wasnt worth the bucks this time.
there were demonstrations on bell ringing and
there were also some bells on display in this glass tower.
weeell maybe next time.
picture below is the same bell tower from another view angle.

And which photographic travel journal comes complete without a picture of the country's flag.
took this at the harbour too.

And of course, its mascot. The kangaroo.
Didnt have the good fortune to meet a real one
so the fake metal ones will have to do. Rather charming dont you think?
below, a picture i took of the old town hall in the city centre. The metal plaque on it says that perth was founded in 18 29 by the felling of a tree on the allotment btween the town hall and the treasury building. signed off by j.t. franklin mayor. little bit of history.
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