So long ,Singapura!
Published Tuesday, January 10, 2006 by Junie | E-mail this post 
Goodbye singapore hello new world. =] I am departing tomorrow night. This is prolly the last post from sg. After this little post, Im gonna pack my CPU in a box and trolley it over. Ha! So maybe you'll hear from me soon, maybe in a couple of days. Depending on how soon i can get an internet connection. wish me luck! Got a bad case of throat infection or inflammation i dont really know the difference. And bad bad flu. Eeeps. Can i get any luckier! taking heaps of pills at the moment. hopefully i wont suffer too much on my flight there. will miss everyone here in Sg, this is home, truly.. * sings * * national pride* i have some great great times here .. miss you homies ! adios. singapore . see u soon lah.
Your departure will make a lot of people happy...............................................the ones you'll meet in the Emirates !!!
sweety, so sad that you are not in Singapore anymore!!! I already feel the difference of not having you around here:( Hope your trip went fine and I am waiting to hear from you!!
Hi dear...just read your first email from dubai :) Glad that you reached there in good shape :D Looking forward to your interesting updates again...take care ya!