Doobuy internet cafe woes
Published Monday, January 23, 2006 by Junie | E-mail this post 
Hi y'all, thanks for checking back every now and then for updates. The site meter shows =) I feel luved! Thanks guys! So, i have sent some emails about my life here and some thoughts, for those who hadnt receive my updates through emails ,im real sorry, but do send me an email & and tell me to add u to my mailing list?
So. Ok I stay on the 34th Floor of an office-building here in the UAE, and there's a gymnasium and a swimming pool on my rooftop. I am loving the dryer and the washing machine in my apartment , cuz i dont need to wash 'em or wait too long for them to dry. it helps HEAPs when u're home and u need to do washing but u're tired. There's a cosy lil kitchen and a sizable living room. its all sealed in though, like a hotel, we have glass windows that cannot open. And the aircon is just going ard. Im lurving my accomodation, cant wait to do some personalizing to it, but since im surviving on scrapes now, that wil have to wait =[ but yea the bare structure is there, theres great potential that it'll be a great lurvly home. I have been going to the aviation college everyday for the past one half weeks (has it been taht long?) Its great stuff though. albeit a lot of intense studying and practical. I think i will really benefit from this experience and come out stronger at the end of it. I am typing this at an internet cafe, no connection at my place cuz im lacking a PC and a connection. so im sorry that i havent been updating this blog and it seems like i have left it to rot. I havent k! Do check back for updates, its gonna be kicked back to life again. When i have my internet. Internet cafe's charging my ass for it, it costs abt 15 dirhams ( 7 sin dollars ) for half an hour! My training is for 6 weeks i kinda started on 14th so i guess i'll only be able to fly in feb or march. Then i get to choose my third flight's destination. Im real excited and nervous. Cant wait to share those experiences with you people. Miss you lots.
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