bontaniquely singapore
Published Wednesday, May 31, 2006 by Junie | E-mail this post 
picture left: a pseudo-artistic rendition of our botanical trip
fai who took this pic, reflected in the glass door on the rightthe one thing i miss abt singapore, the tropical wet climate. Am i crazy? no am not. Let me explain why; singapore is home to some very natural tropical fauna and flora. The first thing i notice when i got home this time were the trees. The many many trees that each and every one of us singaporeans took for granted every day as we commute from place to place. There is really an incredulous amount of shady greens everywhere-i dont know about everyone else but im guilty as charged for taking it for granted when . Now that i live in dubai, i learnt that its not a common sight - that which we have in lush green singapore. i promised myself before i went back that i will do the nature thing in singapore- cycling , trekking, hug some trees. And i did. and i realized i miss it sooo much. The humid, mositure saturated air was good for the skin and hair too! Most other climates sap the moisture right out of your body and a moisturizer becomes, not a matter of vanity, but a necessity.So going back to singapore this time was in itself a natural spa retreat in itself. Rejuvenation baby!
On friday on the week that i was back, i went to sentosa, the ever changing recreational island with fai. fai's a dear buddy of mine. We were chums since 17, hanging out at void decks doing nature trekking explorations and other ridiculous spontaneous activities. So this time with this unnatural bruther of mine, we try to relive the good old hang-out days. Rented a bike and did the trail all around the island. Here were some pictures from the trip.
cycling in the jungle trail in sentosa
photographs i took of the beautiful orchids
we came across at the orchid gardens
more singapura's orchids
fai with cotton from a cotton tree we found
fai at the fish feed vending machine

... and this is what its for. a pond full of hungry cois!
I admit i was a little intimidated at first by the swarmming pool of suckling mouths all reaching out to me.
Water was splashing, coi lips were smacking. They were such terrors!
we managed to calm ourselves down, me, fai and the cois.
And we proceeded to do the feeding.

on another occasion another terror crossed my path in singapore. This time it visited us at home. Like all terrors /intruders to the ang home it suffered the terrors treatment. Sometime me and my sister proudly invented. The Ang sisters terror squad treatment.

and this is the terror that suffered the above treatment.
specimen : mr roach.

can u guess the apparatus? yep this was how it worked.

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