Sydney Australia 2006 July
Its too much! Dear carpet readers i find myself
having no time to update all the pictures i've got
so for sydney 's entry i will have to make it short and
concise. I have had two trips since so the next two entries
will be short and concise versions was well ( of athens and shanghai)
Today i will be jetting off to Paris to visit Gilles ( hes there on leave)
quite excited about that, will fill you in on that when i return!
Take care u lovely pple! thanks for visiting my blog and i
hope u'll continue to return for more!

partial view of the opera house with the aussie flag
i had to have a shot!

close up of a.. ( is it a seagull?)

Sydney bridge


anna and i hanging out at a bar she used to work

a (seagull?) and the opera house

us wearing the adorable gawky blue jammys on the way there

me destorying my hair!
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