End of June beginning of July- the job landed me in
Christchurch ( new zealand) and Sydney.
As if that wasnt enough, i have the good fortune to fly with a friend! She was Anna, a sweet Aussie girl who had lived in Sydney for a while. so we really just hung out and had a ball of a time doing just that! So glad to have her on this trip.
I got to know her a little better and i certainly hope we will be hanging out more often thereafter. We can certainly talk!
This is her newly minted blogspot site. Check it out!
It has a really nice layout and a cutesy funky-style.
I lurrrv it!
christchurch the landmark square

At this time of the year, where there arehot summers in
the northern hemisphere,christchurch being in the
southern one, enjoys its cool winter. The temperature was a good -2 degrees, its a tad bit cold but i do prefer
that to the sweltering 43 degrees of dubai.
I rented a bike from the hotel and went cycling
with a gawky helmet on my head ( i was told the police
were strict there and they would fine you a horrendous amt of moola if you refuse to look the gawky part with the
helmet) Nope no pictures of my gawkiness will be furnished. =p
Took a walk in the botanic gardens and along the streets. i really do love the tranquil sights of nature and quaint old
buildings . ahhhhhh fresh air.

i could breathe! the skies were
so blue!
Pictures on the left are those
taken from the botanic gardens
i visited. Im too lazy to embellish
the magic carpet caption.But they
were taken in a really
pretty mood, It was early morning
so the crystal-like dews were resting
on the delicate flower petals,
the cool air smells of oak and flowers and
herbs. My lungs were estatic to be given
such pampering in a long while.

This pseudo-spooky picture was of a
statue in the gardens pond. She was
a blind-folded lady appearing to catch some
nice fat live ducks in a hide and seek game!
In the travel shops pamplets
of 'lord of the ring tours',
'middle earth journeys'
can be found in every corner.
It would have been most lovely
to do those tours! But because of
our time constraint we decided to
do something less time consuming
-ParaGliding!! =)

I will definitely wanna go to new zealand for a great outdoors holiday sometime. Spend a good few weeks there, do a proper holiday!
i will highly recommend it to anyone who loves
Back to the paragliding. We found a travel shop
that would conduct the session for us for
NZ $ 140 each. And as soon as we paid our part of the deal, the instructor came in ten mins to have us picked up for our exciting gig.
Port hills ( picture on right) is where we will
commence of take-off) Beauuuutifulll eh?

port hills on my left. We climbed the hills with our para
glider-chute. Stepped on some sheep poos along the way
and made it to the top in one piece.
Then we started our adventure.

Above: me being strapped properly for our flight. the helmet was too tight!

Its pretty much like flying a giant kite actually 'cept that u are tied it. And it brings you up with it.

Up, up and away!

he got his poo on me! baa!
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