Junie's monologues of travel adventures & daily humdrums

curious water blobs


Went to the esplanade after dinner to sit by the water. Upon arrival, we were greeted pleasantly by a curious sight. There in the water, hundreds of white spheres were floating aimlessly, bobbing up and down with the rise and fall of the little waves.
They were of different sizes, and it was a visual feast indeed; every white bola had its mirror image reflected on the water, and it goes on almost, forever. There were so many of them and mulitpy each by two, you get a boundless feeling of infinity. Nice.
At first we thought it was some kind of artsy strange installation but the lights came on and it seemed like a light and ball rehearsal of some kind. We guessed it was preparation for the new year countdown party. Came home, checked it out on the internet and we were right.
well if u think abt it, its funny to imagine how someone actually thought of this idea. Maybe he thought, hmmm we dont know what to do with these tax payers' money so ok, we can just buy as many balls as we can with them and throw them into the water. No..cant be like that. Turns out, they really mean something. These spheres. Exec producer of Marina Bay Countdown said , "The lighting is one element of the Marina Bay countdown. What we are doing is to symbolise the wish. The wish is symbolised with white spheres on the water and the lighting will symbolise the soul of the water itself."
And get this, there werent just hundreds as we thought, there were exactly 2000 beach balls floating in the water each bearing a signature! Talk about effort! ( and boy, do i love the internet!)Anyway back to the balls. But what happens to these 2000 balls after the countdown? i really wonder.Yea its a visual feast and in the name of art its a cool expressive idea but i cant help feeling that its a lil bit of a waste.
Are they gonna recycle it and use it next year? are they gonna give their balls to homeless children to play with? ( hmm wait a min, that sounded a lil obscene) But u get what i mean. So MANY of them!
I guess Idiosyncracies like these makes singapore an interesting place for the tourists. And we are eager to please arent we.
Anyway, friend and i were enjoying the sight immensely so it did it for us. We proceeded to begin the talking while taking in the view and enjoying the occasional breeze. Armed with a trusty can of chilled heineken each, me and girlfriend talked, lamented and entertained ourselves with stories, jokes and tales of everyday living.
There and then, i could have sworn that i really felt peace. Its always nice to talk to a close friend, of course the floating balls and the vertical beam of strong lighting shooting right up to the heavens helped. But it felt really nice. And i knew that i will remember this moment as a picture flashback in my mind. The mind photo is taken and stored. Its such a strong imagery and you get a feeling if you have a flashback this moment will be one of them. One of my other flashback is being at the back of a convertible as a kid, one of the first times i sat in one, and the strong breeze blowing in my hair and colliding into my face and in that picture i see the rear view mirror the color of the car and rememeber feeling as i felt then. Mind pictures are strong stuff. SO yes, you cant control when u take a mind picture, but when u do, it sticks in your mind. IM kinda glad its with mimi, cuz i will remember her this way, with the lights, balls and breeze and the feeling of comfort and peace.



You are who you meet


And. of course, what you eat. But who you meet plays a crucial role in influencing your thoughts and shaping your views. When you meet someone new, you exchange thoughts, perspectives, sometimes you agree with each other sometimes you dont, things that you agree with you adopt and things that you dont you cast it off. Its a growth process, a development of your character. You'll find, that things that you agree with are often modified and tweaked with your own analytical thoughts to suit your personal point of view, you add things, you delete others, you customize these thoughts and views and the end result is something that is uniquely, YOU.
I find meeting and talking to new people important, it makes up who you are. It tells you more about what you like, what you dislike; it makes you better or worse, but its progressive.
I attended my girlfriend's birthday celebration last night, and met her parents. Her dad was talking to me and in that 1 hour of our conversation i have learnt too many things. He was a really knowledgeable person, well, and i was really ignorant. He taught me the brief history of languages,
That anglo-saxons, were from germany and denmark, the vikings spoke "Nase?"( i dont know the spelling of it) and they were from the scanadivian regions, latin comes from the roman empire, french , italian etc has its roots in the latin language. And english is derived from influences of all these languages. OK it might be a tad too obvious to some of you, but hey i dont know it and i know im ignorant. hahha therefore world history book. but hey, i havent got to the chapter on languages.

Christmas wrappings


Christmas is a season of giving, so i stayed up last night to help my sister with her gift-wrapping.=/ She decided to give all these chocolates to her colleagues and needed a pretty way to present those little tokens of festive joy. I had good fun !We bundled those chocolates up in plastic wrappers and put a simple bow on them. But being the anal artist-perfectionist that i am, I was trying to irritate her with my 'innovative' artsy wrappings,and was teasing her patience with emphasizing the need for each wrapping uphold artistic integrity! She kinda appreciated my efforts though, this one was our favourite of all the art wrappings.
We wanted it to be the corniest, cheesiest of the lot. All i can say is we have cheese in our minds when we were conceptualizing " golden crane on emerald leaves". ~ get a load of that !

shackles of attachments


Had a lunchtime conversation today with some of my ex-colleagues. Some really interesting topics came up; amongst those, one in particular caught my undivded attention. According to them and what they have heard employment on an oil rig pays $10K USD a month. God can that be true?!
And for every three weeks that you work you get two weeks off. In a year you can make $120K USD! well talk about having it made! i guess with pay like that you are pretty much set for an early retirement; that is of course, if you dont die on the job. But hey. what the heck. Its a good deal for the risks that you take. The older guys told us, that we, being young and without attachments, and single, we can do as we please and explore opportunities. It made me think a little. People who got into stable relationships and decide to start a family opted for stability in the first place right? yet there's a price to pay for that, you have to be shackled willingly to your attachments. Stick it out in a job even if you are not enjoying your work anymore, be less mobile cuz your movements not only affects you but your spouse and children. Pay for the marriage pay for the house, pay for the children pay for their education. Thinking about that gives me the creeps, at least i know i wouldnt be able to do that for now. I am not financially secure enough i dont want more responsibilities on my plate on top of taking care of my finances loans and obligations to my family's needs. Well but i guess if you meet someone you really love its an accompanied journey. Strife can be shared between two persons and the bitterness aint so bitter. maybe. Still, shackles gives me a feeling of overbearing entrapment. I wanna be free to make choices now. I dont want no shackles. I want wings.

The X'mas loonies


Did a xmas show the other day. Had lots of fun. There were santas and elves and jesters and angels. i was of course * ahem* the angel. hhaha. it was just hilarious.
Everything turned out great, we had presents to give to the old folks and we did back-up dancing for some old folks who sang and don themselves in fancy glitsy clothes.

Merry Xmas y'all!!!!

The flying designer


My trip,to the middle east; this change, this switch, to a life of unfamilarity... what do i want from it all? Over and over again, i ask myself the questions.
I guess the search is on.. for some kind of happiness. My search. Personalized and uniquely mine. Im gonna make it a learning one. (already bought a book ;" HISTORY OF THE WORLD"). Alright alright, im a closet nerdie. But im just at chapter three, "homosapiens" . If all goes well, i will post my summarized study notes of the evolutionary history of man on this blog. (hey we learn together hoor?")Its in progress i promise u! There's just so much knowledge out there. well i know for sure i lack good knowledge =l haha i know this initial enthusiasm must have the cynic in you thinking it's not gonna last. Ok we'll see huh. Im feeling quite positive at the moment and i hope this continues.;p stay with me.

December 26th marks the one year anniversary of the south asian tsunami..television covers the story and sadness all over again. With special episodes and programmes re-enacting that disasterous catastrophe. Most of us, sitting in the comforts of our homes when it happened can only be touched by the shocking scenes of devastation presented to us on screen. Sure, we feel empathy and sadness but at the same time, a feeling of partial detachment, a tinge of surreality. We know its real but a part of us just harbours an element of disbelief and denial. They are but images presented on screen, movies and fiction happen on screen too. This blurry line in our sub-concious makes the separation between reality and fiction difficult. What im trying to say is there is world of difference between staying home and being there.
It makes me think about these people doing coverage and reports for current happenings and news, they have such meaningful jobs. It must have helped their motivation tremendously to know that they are doing something for a cause, to spread the news to the world, to appeal for help for these people caught in unfavourable circumstances. I mean just compare that to any other job. In the design line for instance, through designing pretty objects for mass consumption we are basically propelling the world's obsession with materials, looks and the superficial. Sure one can argue that good design cuts down wastages and makes usage efficient therefore improves the quality of life. But in reality when it comes down to the hard and fast paced world of production and tight time-lines, most of the time its designing what sells at the moment.
makes me sad. real sad.
makes me wonder abt the worth of what i do. Sometimes. Really.

The beginnings


I hate beginings, everytime something begins you always know it's gonna end, albeit sooner or later. January the 12th marks the beginning of my adventure. God knows when and what the end of it will be. Theres an impending sense of freedom but its mixed with fear. im holding on to the familar, reliving my memories desperately, cherishing the moments i have with each friend, each sister, each person.

About me

  • Travel blog of Junie
  • A design-lover who also loves to create, I blog about inspirations and beauty that i come across in my daily life.
  • My profile

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Currently looking for design employment! beep me if u know someone who knows someone!


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