The flying designer
Published Sunday, December 18, 2005 by Junie | E-mail this post 
My trip,to the middle east; this change, this switch, to a life of unfamilarity... what do i want from it all? Over and over again, i ask myself the questions.
I guess the search is on.. for some kind of happiness. My search. Personalized and uniquely mine. Im gonna make it a learning one. (already bought a book ;" HISTORY OF THE WORLD"). Alright alright, im a closet nerdie. But im just at chapter three, "homosapiens" . If all goes well, i will post my summarized study notes of the evolutionary history of man on this blog. (hey we learn together hoor?")Its in progress i promise u! There's just so much knowledge out there. well i know for sure i lack good knowledge =l haha i know this initial enthusiasm must have the cynic in you thinking it's not gonna last. Ok we'll see huh. Im feeling quite positive at the moment and i hope this continues.;p stay with me.
December 26th marks the one year anniversary of the south asian tsunami..television covers the story and sadness all over again. With special episodes and programmes re-enacting that disasterous catastrophe. Most of us, sitting in the comforts of our homes when it happened can only be touched by the shocking scenes of devastation presented to us on screen. Sure, we feel empathy and sadness but at the same time, a feeling of partial detachment, a tinge of surreality. We know its real but a part of us just harbours an element of disbelief and denial. They are but images presented on screen, movies and fiction happen on screen too. This blurry line in our sub-concious makes the separation between reality and fiction difficult. What im trying to say is there is world of difference between staying home and being there.
It makes me think about these people doing coverage and reports for current happenings and news, they have such meaningful jobs. It must have helped their motivation tremendously to know that they are doing something for a cause, to spread the news to the world, to appeal for help for these people caught in unfavourable circumstances. I mean just compare that to any other job. In the design line for instance, through designing pretty objects for mass consumption we are basically propelling the world's obsession with materials, looks and the superficial. Sure one can argue that good design cuts down wastages and makes usage efficient therefore improves the quality of life. But in reality when it comes down to the hard and fast paced world of production and tight time-lines, most of the time its designing what sells at the moment.
makes me sad. real sad.
makes me wonder abt the worth of what i do. Sometimes. Really.
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