Published Sunday, February 05, 2006 by Junie. 
Today i was taught how to deal with a dead body. In the earlier part of the day it was all about endings.
We learn how to try to revive a casualty, how to give CPR , resue breathing and how to save someone from choking. If all efforts have been spent and its not sucessful then we have to put the dead body into a body bag.. and e.t.c. not too sure if i can discuss it in detail here so i better not. But yea. Distressing. I have never touched a dead body before in my entire life and now if it happens onboard i have to wrap him/her up tie a jaw scarf ard his head to prevent his jaw from falling and move the body into a body bag. IMAGINE THAT. its someone u dont know and u feel sad and sorry for his / her demise but u have to be the one to wrap it all up. Yep the next time u sit on a flight u might be glad to know that the crew is looking out for u. Dead or alive. Always.
then, next part of the day we had to do child births. We were taught how to deliver a baby. Cut the umblical chord, take the placenta out and get the baby out from under there. We actually witnessed a real video footage of that happening. And stuff like this do happen on board. we were shown pictures of babies delivered onboard . One guy acutally had to do it and deliver the baby on his first flight. How lucky is he! for running into it. what are the chances u ask? quite high is what im told.
So hey anyone wants to deliver a baby? fly with us and u get free midwivery! =p anyway gonna go back and cook some yummy butter mushrooms omelette. stay tune folks
Am i really doing this? am i where i am? I am happy but sad. I am excited but apprehensive.
Sure life is a contradiction but i have to make sure my confusion doesnt get the better of me.
This i not my country and i know it. I do like unfamilarity and strangeness but to adopt the ways of this country and be part of it, i dont think so. I know this is for a limited period but how long?
Questions popping up forever in my head. Last week i took a bus by myself to Abu Dhabi; I remember feeling free, was travelling in a small bus with strangers and i looked out into the arabian sunset. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Yep it was solitude at its prettiest moment.
I felt elation in my heart. A temporal feeling of contentment.
I liked this the way it is. me and the world. me and the strangeness.
When im airborne, reality will be further. I know it. But i have to stay focus. I will try not to confuse myself too much. Most people know where home is, but how is it that i dont?
There are so many places in the world, so many people i can meet, unfamilar sights, strange sounds but where do i fit in? That is my question. Im in search of my answer.