Magnetic Resonance Image Hell
Published Tuesday, December 19, 2006 by Junie | E-mail this post 
Went for my MRI scan today to determine if there is a tear or not in my ligament.
Not only am i not impressed u the hospitality of the staff at the diagnostic centre , i wound up feeling like a lil sacrificial sheep fed to a hungry monster. This is what the machine looked like,

The people in the pic are not the one at the centre. This is just an image i ripped off the internet.
but you get the idea. The machine looked totally intimidating and ready to gobble up any living objects placed into its wide clincal mouth.
I was commanded sternly to lie still, not move and to put on my ear plugs. Then the scanner operator makes a quick exit and left me alone for the machine to gobble me up. What follows was a series of loud knocking, ear piercing screeches as the monster kicks into action. Comfort is the last thing on my mind at this point. I struggle to keep my body still as my mind was frantically trying to calm my intution to pull myself out of that hole before its too late. Since my head was bopping out of the hole i noticed a small camera mounted in the upper crest of the machine. The scanning lady in the next room was watching my face! i quickly corrected my horrific expression as my lower body was machine-gunned down to tingly numbness. I lay there motionless, one hand holding onto my ear plug ( happens everytime i see a horror flick or am scared) the other gripping my throbbing heart least i die of a heart attack) The permeating relentless invisible rays shot through my lower body in neverending successions of machine-gunning; merciless , void of any empathy, ravaging my tissues, ligaments, tendons .. 30 mins ! 30 mins of torture!
This little chicken was scared alright. REAL SCARED. I'm never good with handling all these foreign scientific stuff done to my body , not a fan of clinical drugs not a fan of clinical procedures!
Leave my body alone, leave it as it is in all its natural goodness!
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